Rain today so it's a good time to change oil, grease things, weld things, etc. Unfortunately, yesterday was full of repairs, so no work was done in the field. First thing in the morning, the semi wouldn't start. Didn't see Lynn until after 2:00 for lunch. An axle broke on a manure wagon. They carry quite a load!
Didn't have any good beans and really had some bad beans. Hoping the corn is looking better than the beans that were planted later. Did I mention that harvesting the beans is finished? That's always a good feeling.
Lynn's MO cousin is coming up on Thursday to help. He helps every year and it's always pleasant to have him around. Plus we get to visit with his wife, Becky, as she comes up for a weekend during his visit.
Make it a grand day!
Beauty of Autumn in Iowa! Found all of these things fairly close to home...